Ossining Students to Restore Native Habitats

By greenoss-admin | August 1, 2011 | Comments Off on Ossining Students to Restore Native Habitats
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Original Article posted on The Daily Ossining by Tien-Shun Lee on 07/19/11 OSSINING, N.Y. – Pedro Montes De Oca and Alonzo McLemore traipsed along the nature trail behind Brookside School…


Hudson Valley Fare Offered by Local Chefs

By greenoss-admin | May 6, 2011 | Comments Off on Hudson Valley Fare Offered by Local Chefs
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Enjoy the freshest seasonal produce and wonderful foods cooked by the best local chefs in the region during a benefit dinner for Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center on Saturday,…


Green Job Training

By greenoss-admin | May 2, 2011 | Comments Off on Green Job Training
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One-Day Grant-Funded Erosion Control and Green Stormwater Management Training Learn new job skills and get certified! Cost: No charge (grant?funded) – But you MUST attend all day to get the…


Stormwater Management – Facts & Tips

By greenoss-admin | April 22, 2011 |
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Across the nation, attention is being shifted to sources of pollution, such as Stormwater runoff, that are not normally treated by wastewater treatment plants. Stormwater management, especially in urban areas,…


Meeting 4/13 Cancelled – Conference Call Scheduled

By greenoss-admin | April 13, 2011 | Comments Off on Meeting 4/13 Cancelled – Conference Call Scheduled
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GREEN OSSINING COMMITTEE MEETING CANCELED TONIGHT — Wednesday, April 13th — Planned conference call for Tuesday, 4/19 at 2 pm for those who can join. (Details to follow) Also we…


NY DEC Education Camps

By greenoss-admin | March 21, 2011 | Comments Off on NY DEC Education Camps
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New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Education Camps for 12- to 17-year olds… Are hands-on, aff ordable and fun Introduce outdoor skills, including optional sportsman education programs Have highly…


Significant Tree List Nominations Solicited

By greenoss-admin | February 9, 2011 | Comments Off on Significant Tree List Nominations Solicited
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Ossining has an important Tree Ordinance that protects our trees from unnecessary destruction and also provides that the Village Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) should compile a list of nominations of…


Earth Day Event Planning – Conference Call

By greenoss-admin | January 3, 2011 | Comments Off on Earth Day Event Planning – Conference Call
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I would like to re-schedule our conference call to discuss Earth Day/Earth Week event planning for the first week in January – Tuesday, January 4, at 2pm. Please call or…


Ossining Shoreline Revitalization Project

Ossining’s riverfront has experienced significant damages from periodic waterfront flooding from storms, high tides and sea level rise. It is a priority to improve coastal resiliency along the shoreline which will reduce risk and improve resiliency during the next storm and as the sea level continues to rise. Check out the project details here...

Cure100 Carbon Tracker

Realize an Emissions Free World by 2040

Find ways to reduce your carbon footprint, improve your health and save money. Click here to begin tracking your carbon footprint today! Provided in partnership with CURE100.

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