URGENT! Thurs 8/15 @6pm via Zoom: Friends of a Clean Hudson Coalition Teach-In on the Status of General Electric’s Contamination & Failure to Clean-Up the Hudson River.

If you moved to our neck of the woods, it’s likely because we are a Rivertown. But not only should all Rivertowns be aware of what is happening in our River, anyone who admires our majestic Hudson should be in-the-know about this very critical environmental issue. Please join Friends of a Clean Hudson coalition on…

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April Green Drinks+Ossining Documentary & Discussion Series+Riverkeeper host the Westchester County Premiere of One Dam at a Time.

Westchester documentary film premiere! Stay for a captivating discussion with the filmmaker and leading experts on this critical issue. Gather at 7PM in the taproom. Film starts at 7:30PM. Sing Sing Kill Brewery is delighted to cohost this month’s Green Drinks event with Riverkeeper, the Ossining Documentary and Discussion Series, and of course, our Green…

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