Green Ossining’s 14th Annual Earth Day Festival is April 20th! Save the Date!
Pssst. Save The Date.
Applications for registration will be opening soon for Green Ossining’s 14th Annual Earth Day Festival!
Spots are limited so make sure you check back here once the public link is open.
Also: we are fussy. We are fussy about those we select, and about our expectations that they fulfill our requirements. In preparation, you will need to acknowledge the following:
1. No one likes to read much anymore but we need you to read the application thoroughly and click a box that you have. We do this in an effort to make sure that you understand the requirements so no one is surprised and we don’t have to ask you to leave (usually its over safety reasons): it would ruin your day, and we wouldn’t enjoy it either.
2. Acceptance of your application entitles vendors to a 10’x10′ space at the event. Any more and we have to reduce the number of vendors we accept further and we don’t want to do that.

3. Vendors MUST AGREE TO REMAIN operational until the Festival ends at 5:00pm.
4. Standard pop-up booth tents (10×10) are REQUIRED. These are not the same as camping tents (not allowed). Green Ossining does not provide tables, chairs or tents. Due to the proximity of the park to the Hudson River and potential windy conditions, TENTS MUST BE SECURED WITH SANDBAGS. Requirements will be within the application. Lawn stakes are not an acceptable sole form of anchoring and most vendors are on paved surfaces.
5. No vehicles will be allowed on the lawn area or within the Festival grounds unless unloading or loading.
6. Food Vendors: In addition to insurance and food permits, all food vendors must comply with our zero-waste efforts. This means all cutlery/plates/straws/bowls/cups MUST BE COMPOSTABLE. If you need a supplier for these items we offer some options in the application. Recyclable and Biodegradable items are not the same as Compostable (usually made out of plant-based products that breakdown during the natural compost process and are not toxic to the soil), so please make sure you are right before making your purchase. As well, the sale of single-serve, packaged snacks (chips, cookies, etc.) is prohibited unless all packaging is compostable. Bottled water or other bottled beverages. The sale of, or free distribution of plastic bottled beverages is prohibited.
7. Application submission is not an assurance of participation. We reserve the right to select vendors based on variety and whose values are in most in line with our mission “To promote environmental sustainability community-wide, and develop practical methods that protect our natural resources.” Since space is limited, variety of vendors will also be a factor.
OTHERWISE…we look forward to sharing as much as we can about all the Festival happenings as soon as possible! YAY!
Please Refer to our Earth Day Festival Tab for the most up-to-date information.